is proper grammar necessary for creative writing credibility acceptability your grammar skills or lack thereof reflect your credibility or lack thereof if you want your work to be accepted by ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 27 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Is proper grammar necessary for creative writing credibility acceptability your skills or lack thereof reflect if you want work to be accepted by publishers and readers alike must up par most reputable have enough submissions that they can toss grammatically weak right into the trash without thinking twice donovan people are often judged way speak authors write gain trust from with communication when communicating a specific message tool use communicate properly poor risk blurring we need finite rules allow an agreed upon meaning punctuation otherwise there would ch os not some musicians learn play ear never bother how read music many of them don t even know which notes chords re playing though recognizable songs but get in room other ll quickly become isolated engage others profession language industry writers editors becomes difficult parts speech names marks all components related good clarity readability will answer reader s questions so it important trying clear readable correct f...