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picture1_Communication Ppt 66008 | Chapter 5 Week 5 61

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File: Communication Ppt 66008 | Chapter 5 Week 5 61
panha chiet university puc intercultural communication chapter 5 organizing messages to other cultures may 20014 panha chiet university puc intercultural communication chapter 5 organizing messages to other cultures may 20014 ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 27 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Panha chiet university puc intercultural communication chapter organizing messages to other cultures may review of model meaning and basic for most models is that an idea travels from sender through channel receiver when the communications operate within different meanings are likely be too facilitator mr uon sokchea mba med phd can tel email gmail com communicating with others involves three primary steps thought first information exists in mind this a concept or feelings encoding next message sent words symbols decoding lastly translates into he she understand why how who where critical factors understanding differences organizations purpose business functions require senders have following purposes instructing selling coaching mentoring directing reprimanding thanking informing refusing rejoicing reporting evaluating eliciting persuading warning about possible opinions agreeing problems authorization guiding around pitfalls proposing generating apologizing granting request enthusias...

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