File: Powerpoint Jobs 65913 | Slide Man 101 Slide 05
it involves organizational structure and design managing human resources managing change and innovation 9 3 exhibit 9 1 some purposes of organizing divides work to be done into specific jobs ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 27 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...It involves organizational structure and design managing human resources change innovation exhibit some purposes of organizing divides work to be done into specific jobs departments assigns tasks responsibilities associated with individual coordinates diverse clusters units establishes relationships among individuals groups formal lines authority allocates deploys how stand out in a new job fitting an organization s culture the first days aware power impressions come minutes early stay little late see people behave get know listen what they have say make easy for others give you feedback over deliver shared assumptions that affect gets table set taken granted implicit group holds determines perceives thinks about reacts its various environments also called corporate plus figure...