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picture1_Powerpoint Presentation Introduction 65547 | Paper Vinge Present

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File: Powerpoint Presentation Introduction 65547 | Paper Vinge Present
agenda introduction introduction literature review literature review research method research method discussion and analysis discussion and analysis conclusion conclusion 2 introduction revaluation model and fair value revaluation of assets is ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 27 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Agenda introduction literature review research method discussion and analysis conclusion revaluation model fair value of assets is a would increase financial reassessment the statement relevance because owned by company reflect or actual treatment in indonesia can be done accounting policy for fixed asset either tax reappraisal property usually performed on investment properties are also regulated income act article paragraph letter m stating that excess object only recognizes over other words gain taxed but impairment not deductible further rules regarding pmk increasing final additional statutory if sale allow every year psak allowed assessment under acquisition price deviation from this provision may carried out provisions government an choices must implement consistently changes standards have led to differences between caused decreasing incentive encourage domestic economy provide incentives companies issued new was revised piera found swiss tend revalue leverage international sta...

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