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picture1_Introduce Yourself Ppt 65493 | Resteacintern Orientatio03

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File: Introduce Yourself Ppt 65493 | Resteacintern Orientatio03
agenda agenda residents as teachers adult learning theory knowing your learners setting expectations showing respect and enthusiasm thinking out loud giving specific prompt feedback some basic principles ask about prior ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 27 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Agenda residents as teachers adult learning theory knowing your learners setting expectations showing respect and enthusiasm thinking out loud giving specific prompt feedback some basic principles ask about prior education background know become familiar with learner s goals objectives give clear be respectful introduce yourself share love of medicine use first names to others enthusiastic kind when pimping include in thought process think probe ensure they follow reasoning allow opportunity clarifying questions choose right timing for real time provide positive constructive solicit formally deliver at end encounter lcme mandate acgme spend up teaching busari jo medical students attribute one third their knowledge from bing you rg qualities excellent clinical wright nejm more than especially beyond assigned responsibilities stress doctor patient relationship psychosocial aspects depth get trainees on personal level prepared perform needs assessment cases ahead preplanned curriculum mix...

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