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picture1_Professional Presentation Powerpoint 65465 | Survey Research

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File: Professional Presentation Powerpoint 65465 | Survey Research
survey research typical features of professional survey research sejumlah sampel yang representatif melalui nonprobability sampling systematic procedures to ask and record answers numerically coded and analyzed with the aid of ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 27 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Survey research typical features of professional sejumlah sampel yang representatif melalui nonprobability sampling systematic procedures to ask and record answers numerically coded analyzed with the aid statistical software survai wawancara self administered questionnaire kombinasi administrasi perlu standar agar reliabel tergantung tujuan unstructured interview objectives very general diskusi lebar pertanyaan dibuat secara spontan probing structured specific sudah tertulis semistructured analisa exploratory descriptive bentuk relatif lebih mudah seperti skema tabulasi dsb explanatory hubungan antarvariabel rumit multiple regression analisis faktor secondary analysis terhadap data hasil orang lain sekunder misalnya sensus polling social trends murah catatan item pool...

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