File: Keseimbangan Pdf 63912 | 156306 Id Keseimbangan Energi Dan Komposisi Tubuh
PGM 2005,28(1): 1-4 Kesehnbangen energi dm komposbi fubuh pekwja Yuniar Rosmalina, dkk KESEIMBANGAN ENERGI DAN KOMPOSlSl TUBUH PEKERJA DENGAN JENlS PEKERJAAN BERBEDA Yuniar Rosmalma 1, hi Permeesh 1, Sn ...
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...Pgm kesehnbangen energi dm komposbi fubuh pekwja yuniar rosmalina dkk keseimbangan dan komposlsl tubuh pekerja dengan jenls pekerjaan berbeda rosmalma hi permeesh sn mami reviena christiani susibwdi herman abstract energy balance and body composition of male workers background is a main source for doing daiiy aowities the if intake equal to expenditure hawwer depends on their kind wwpatiial work daily ities obptive this study assess hght heavy worker methods sub wre sandal rmrkers considered as lighl level stone whose met mitena years old physically healthy agreed invoke in tha omposition wds measured using anthmpmeb y anthropmtic measurement was applied including weight he ght muac skin fdd thickness nutrient collected by combmation wighing hours recall method mnsecut e days physical dities during wkmg were assessed remd actrvities after domg occupational acvtim also msecutive other data includes examinaton medical dwtu inte iew done idenbfy charactenstic swi demography hewn light wwk...
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