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File: Sapardi Djoko Damono Pdf 63645 | 443558 None 15cfd0ac
jurnal al azhar indonesia seri humaniora vol 6 no 1 maret 2021 1 digital object identifier 10 36722 sh v vi i 436 konsep cinta pada puisi puisi karya sapardi ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Diposting 25 Aug 2022 | 3 thn lalu
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...Jurnal al azhar indonesia seri humaniora vol no maret digital object identifier sh v vi i konsep cinta pada puisi karya sapardi djoko damono analisis semiotika carles sanders pierce ika mustika heri isnaini program studi pendidikan bahasa dan sastra institut keguruan ilmu siliwangi jalan terusan jenderal sudirman cimahi jawa barat penulis untuk korespondensi e mail mestikasaja ikipsiliwangi ac id abstract this article discusses the concept of love in poems by as expressed erich fromm is answer to problem human existence universal can be seen art life which includes for man nature and god problems that arise are how presented meaning from use signs poetry based on these will discussed strength sign present poem then analyzed semiotics theory namely observing representatives objects interpretants also shows mark s relationship with other texts their language styles discussions boil down contained finally a refers form world results study showed was found level diction imagery style at st...

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