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picture1_Etika Pdf 62855 | 1458 Id Pengaruh Etika Birokrasi Terhadap Profesionalitas Pelayanan Publik Di Kantor Cam

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File: Etika Pdf 62855 | 1458 Id Pengaruh Etika Birokrasi Terhadap Profesionalitas Pelayanan Publik Di Kantor Cam
pengaruh etika birokrasi terhadap profesionalitas pelayanan publik di kantor camat malalayang kota manado faisal putra pai masje pangkey gustaf budi tampi abstract bureaucracy has ethics that apply to the entire ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Diposting 25 Aug 2022 | 3 thn lalu
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...Pengaruh etika birokrasi terhadap profesionalitas pelayanan publik di kantor camat malalayang kota manado faisal putra pai masje pangkey gustaf budi tampi abstract bureaucracy has ethics that apply to the entire apparatus professionalism of public serviceis a demand must be realized int he this study aimsto determine effectof bureaucratic ethic service head office city usesquantitative methods research was carriedby votes districts government data used areprimary obtained through questionnaire analysis techniq ueused test hypothesis is simple statistical regression and correlation or koreasi product moment result showed direction ofthe coefficients coefficientsof variables ethicof posifive significant atthe level significan ceorconfidence based onthe results ofthat concluded positive impacton in sub district it recommended understanding appreciation practice ethical against needs improved development should donemore intensively application by exemplary leaders elite its elfso takesthe ...

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