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picture1_Contoh Parasitoid 62212 | Interaksi Tri Tropik Dan Keanekaragaman Parasitoid Pada

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File: Contoh Parasitoid 62212 | Interaksi Tri Tropik Dan Keanekaragaman Parasitoid Pada
prosiding seminar nasional perkebunan perlindungan tanaman perkebunan untuk kesejahteraan rakyat dan bangsa interaksi tri tropik dan keanekaragaman parasitoid pada perkebunan kelapa sawit di jambi tritrophic interaction and biodiversity of parasitoid ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Diposting 25 Aug 2022 | 3 thn lalu
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...Prosiding seminar nasional perkebunan perlindungan tanaman untuk kesejahteraan rakyat dan bangsa interaksi tri tropik keanekaragaman parasitoid pada kelapa sawit di jambi tritrophic interaction and biodiversity of on oil palm plantation in muhammad iqbal tawakkal damayanti buchori pudjianto dadan hindayana departemen proteksi fakultas pertanian institut bogor email iqbaltawakkal gmail com abstract between plants pest natural enemies especially play important role biological control the stability trophic interactions could suppress rate attack density objective this research was to study pests parasitoids also investigate factors that affecting existence as well analyze conducted smallholders private pt humusindo from april june sampling using three methods for two different purposes i e direct hand collection used collect eggs larvae pupae determine types parasitism yellow sticky trap sweep net diversity all insects were sampled x m area consist samples identified up morphospecies leve...

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