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picture1_Ekologi Pdf 62156 | 231501 Bio Ekologi Tumbuhan Obat Kedawung Parki 560a3ad7

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File: Ekologi Pdf 62156 | 231501 Bio Ekologi Tumbuhan Obat Kedawung Parki 560a3ad7
bio ekologi tumbuhan obat kedawung parkia timoriana dc merr di hutan alam taman nasional meru betiri bioecological of kedawung parkia timoriana dc merr medicinal plant in natural forest meru betiri ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Diposting 24 Aug 2022 | 3 thn lalu
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...Bio ekologi tumbuhan obat kedawung parkia timoriana dc merr di hutan alam taman nasional meru betiri bioecological of medicinal plant in natural forest national park ervizal am zuhud bagian konservasi keanekaragaman departemen sumberdaya dan ekowisata fakultas kehutanan ipb kampus darmaga po box email amzu yahoo com diterima september disetujui november abstract the article was describe some aspect i e ecological characteristis population regenration status seed production dispersal distributor spatial distribution and relation abundance community interaction distance village to habitat tke found at m upper sea topographyi general land ph total only individu naturally regeration process very low as a intolerant species needed most sun radiation sprout growth pattern were relating intensity people communities this case where who has highest with nearest peoples harvester actor keywords regeneration conservation pendahuluan bahwa secara alami proses regenerasi berlangsung sangat lambat a...

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