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picture1_Kehamilan Pdf 60754 | 67555 Id Tinjauan Kasus Kehamilan Ektopik Di Blu

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File: Kehamilan Pdf 60754 | 67555 Id Tinjauan Kasus Kehamilan Ektopik Di Blu
tinjauan kasus kehamilan ektopik di blu rsup prof dr r d kandou manado periode 1 januari 2010 31 desember 2011 1 sri cynthia d logor 2 freddy w wagey 2 ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Diposting 24 Aug 2022 | 3 thn lalu
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...Tinjauan kasus kehamilan ektopik di blu rsup prof dr r d kandou manado periode januari desember sri cynthia logor freddy w wagey maria f t loho kandidat skripsi fakultas kedokteran universitas sam ratulangi bagian obstetri ginekologi e mail vj beauty yahoo com abstract an ectopic pregnancy is a with fertilized ovum implant and grow in normal endometrial cavity the uteri when experiencing process of termination abortion called rupture dectopic ket this study aims to determine umtuk review cases period january december terms age parity history historyofcontraceptive familyplanningacceptors descriptive retrospective population were all patients who treated at department obstetrics gynecology data has been processed then presented form frequency distribution table further discussed base don heresultsobtained conclusion results indicate amount presentation variables based on total number it recommended that mother since given case can be life threatening emergency susceptible pregnant women...

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