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picture1_Otonomi Desa Pdf 58619 | 72576 Id Pengaruh Penerapan Otonomi Desa Terhadap

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Otonomi Desa Pdf 58619 | 72576 Id Pengaruh Penerapan Otonomi Desa Terhadap

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Diposting 22 Aug 2022 | 3 thn lalu
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...Pengaruh penerapan otonomi desa terhadap partisipasi masyarakat dalam pembangunan suatu studi di distrik saifi kabupaten sorong selatan yonadap ajamsaru ari j rorong verry y londa abstract this research moved from the initial observation that application by amah village autonomy law no year about is not optimal so impact on low participation of rural communities especially in district south regency thus study aimed to analyze effect implementation public development denagn applying method descriptive and quantitative approaches imntrumen questionnaire distributed people selamnjutnya government officials kampung into five villages after data information collected then processed analyzed using frequency tables analysis product moment correlation simple linear regression test hypothesis results menunkkan category medium tend be while level community are moderate high as one factors influence s contribute positively significantly it can concluded tested empirical validity well justify unde...

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