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picture1_Pupuk Pdf 58153 | 246312 Produksi Dan Kualitas Produksi Buah Toma Befd98d6

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File: Pupuk Pdf 58153 | 246312 Produksi Dan Kualitas Produksi Buah Toma Befd98d6
e j agrotekbis 5 1 1 8 februari 2017 issn 2338 3011 produksi dan kualitas produksi buah tomat yang diberi berbagai konsentrasi pupuk organik cair quality of tomatoand plant yield ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Diposting 22 Aug 2022 | 3 thn lalu
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...E j agrotekbis februari issn produksi dan kualitas buah tomat yang diberi berbagai konsentrasi pupuk organik cair quality of tomatoand plant yield added with different concentrationsof liquid fertilizer agus sunar wijaya muhd nur sangadji muhardi mahasiswa program studi agroteknologi fakultas pertanian universitas tadulako palu mail agussunarwijaya yahoo com staf dosen jl soekarno hatta km tondo sulawesi tengah telp muhdrezas adi bedepe co id abstract this research consisted two stages the first aimed to determine best type organic which can be used in fertilization tomato plants andthe second concentration applied purpose was investigate response solanum licopersicum mill as shown byitsyield and a randomized completely block design seventreatmentsof concentrations types fertilizers were treatments significantly affected number fruits but not on their weight diameter well content c vitamin tomatoes found gremont at ml water keywords abstrak penelitian ini terdiri dari dua tahap pertama...

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