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File: Contoh Review Jurnal Pdf 56867 | C Korespondensi D Agus Ramdani, Spdf
article checking 2 pesan jurnal pendidikan ipa indonesia sel 6 jul 2021 pukul 11 38 kepada agus ramdani dear author congratulations we would like to inform you that your article ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Diposting 22 Aug 2022 | 3 thn lalu
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...Article checking pesan jurnal pendidikan ipa indonesia sel jul pukul kepada agus ramdani dear author congratulations we would like to inform you that your has been published on the web please check it for last time will wait until tomorrow july after passing cannot be edited again if there is any correction make a note pdf le and send back us thank attention hear from soon sincerely jpii team nationally accredited based decree of minister research technology higher education number e kpt indonesian journal science scientic paper results study review literature in sphere natural primary secondary this collaborate with perkumpulan pendidik ppii society educators indexed google scholar doaj ebsco scopus principal contact parmin editor chief studies program faculty mathematics sciences semarang state university unnes d building rd floor sekaran campus gunungpati phone fax email mail ac id support well received thanks manuscript update mei chosen publish june issue now our publication payme...

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