File: Research Pdf 56109 | Business Research Methods Semester Ii Uisc
dsrm7002 l t p c business research methods version 1 0 3 0 0 3 pre requisites exposure graduate from any discipline with analytical skills co requisites course objectives 1 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Dsrm l t p c business research methods version pre requisites exposure graduate from any discipline with analytical skills co course objectives to familiarize students basic of and the process help in conducting work making reports statistical packages such as excel outcomes on completion this will be able have an understanding various kinds doing designs sampling formulate problem develop a sufficiently coherent design knowledge qualitative quantitative well measurement scaling techniques awareness data analysis including descriptive inferential measures write independent thinking for critically analyzing catalog description all management require ability deal material collection collation introduces mainly centered aspects it also provides them experience designing questionnaires report writing order effectively carry out are required computing reinforces gained their content lecture minutes unit i hours introduction what is motivations types conceptualization formulation involved de...