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picture1_Ecosystem Pdf 56049 | Large Marine Ecosystem Approach 22062017

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File: Ecosystem Pdf 56049 | Large Marine Ecosystem Approach 22062017
the large marine ecosystem approach an engine for achieving sdg 14 united nations intergovernmental educational scientic and oceanographic cultural organization commission table of contents what are large marine ecosystems lmes ...

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...The large marine ecosystem approach an engine for achieving sdg united nations intergovernmental educational scientic and oceanographic cultural organization commission table of contents what are ecosystems lmes lme pressures risks modular learn disclaimer this publication may be reproduced in whole or part any form non profit purposes without special permission from copyright holder provided acknowledgement source is made bibliographic cited as gef paris france lead author taylor henshaw graphic design typeset anna mortreux acknowledgements thanks to all partners who review other support iwlearn net printed by unesco many characterized transboundary their unique nature virtue undersea interconnected currents topography current movement productivity migration food chain resources interactions relatively areas ocean space about km more adjacent continents extending out break a continental shelf seaward extent system harbor biodiversity taken together provide important direct services ta...

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