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picture1_Money Pdf 55914 | Ec8017 Money And Bankingoutline

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File: Money Pdf 55914 | Ec8017 Money And Bankingoutline
ec8017 money and banking module code ec8014 module name money and banking module coordinators prof antoin murphy and prof john fitzgerald phone 01 896 1325 email aemurphy tcd ie and ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Ec money and banking module code name coordinators prof antoin murphy john fitzgerald phone email aemurphy tcd ie jofitzge office arts building ects weighting semester taught michaelmas term contact hours fridays summary this combines the economic theory of financial markets monetary policy with history crises to provide participants context tools analyse recent crisis course starts by investigating some core principles conceptual developments underlying it will consider key distinguishing features for example importance information risk go on operation intermediation role different institutions in market economy separately banks central bank then focus shift macro demand link between inflation real levers available manage be examined having considered a closed exchange rate how can affect discussed each case practical examples from european experience used illustrate examines nature evolution evolving innovation changing structures credit creation analyses way which great theorists ha...

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