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picture1_Money Pdf 55893 | Financialmarkets

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File: Money Pdf 55893 | Financialmarkets
financial markets institutions and financial services duration 3 hrs marks 80 lectures 65 unit 1 introduction 8 lectures financial system and its components financial markets and institutions financial intermediation flow ...

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...Financial markets institutions and services duration hrs marks lectures unit introduction system its components intermediation flow of funds matrix economic development an overview indian money market functions organisation instruments role central bank in debt fixed income securities including bond forex capital equity primary secondary public offerings private placement stock exchanges india commodities commercial banking project finance working dfis economy life non insurance companies mutual their nbfcs micro organisations regional rural banks industry merchant pre post issue management underwriting brokers sub fund based fee venture factoring investment credit rating counselling syndicate loans lease financing restructuring corporate advisory by derivative concept participants different types forwards futures options swaps swaptions investors protection importance grievances regarding dealings structure sebi company law board court media the problems case studies relevant on above...

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