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picture1_The Environment Pdf 55886 | Evs Unit 4

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File: The Environment Pdf 55886 | Evs Unit 4
unit 4 social issues and the environment from unsustainable to sustainable development brundland commission describes sustainable development as the development that meet needs of present generation without compromising ability of ...

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...Unit social issues and the environment from unsustainable to sustainable development brundland commission describes as that meet needs of present generation without compromising ability future generations their own need dimensions derived interactions between society economy aspects inter generational equity states hand over safe healthy resourceful intra technological rich countries should support economic growth poor approaches for developing appropriate technology locally adaptable eco friendly resource efficient culturally suitable reduce reuse recycle approach reduces waste pollution providing environmental education awareness changing attitude people consumption renewable resources attain sustainability conservation non conserved by recycling reusing population control urban problems related energy urbanization movement human rural areas top betterment communication health employment etc causes cities are main centers trade transportation medical facilities sprawl is fast so diff...

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