File: Research Methodology Pdf 55810 | Rm Item Download 2022-08-21 20-17-02
ty bbi semester v atkt research methodology mock test paper code q1 research is a investigation in to a a strategic motive b solution thing c symbolic problem d systematic ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Ty bbi semester v atkt research methodology mock test paper code q is a investigation in to strategic motive b solution thing c symbolic problem d systematic phenomenon population shares the same set of descriptions elements characteristics qualities hypothesis establishes relationship between variables null complex analytical positive census study like teamwork cause effect laboratory sampling method samples are chosen at random some interval cluster snowball non probability stratified all following types except historical exploratory quantitive explainatory wild guess logical speculation an assumption by nature expected sample large subgroup assumed truth which not step process identifying design printing analysing data writing report one source dreams general beleif observation resemblance stars type alternative statistical empirical political introduction conclusion questionnaire designing decide objectives good should be detailed elaborative useful flexible economical advantage pr...