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picture1_The Environment Pdf 55739 | Winvitation   World Environment Day Celebration

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File: The Environment Pdf 55739 | Winvitation World Environment Day Celebration
the relationship between the man and the environment has been established in the early periods itself human beings live in the kingdom of nature and interact with it constantly the ...

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...The relationship between man and environment has been established in early periods itself human beings live kingdom of nature interact with it constantly influence form air he breathes water drinks food eats flow energy information any change can not only result devastating effects but also pose a threat to race th june every year is observed as world day emphasize importance green our lives promote worldwide awareness theme for this economy does include you people from all walks life come together ensure cleaner greener brighter outlook themselves future generations everyone counts initiative relies on make happen an opportunity us get involved fulfilling responsibility protecting planet venue seminar hall achutha menon centre health science studies sctimst trivandrum am registration inauguration pm lunch panel experts leading includes dr k r thankappan chair person professor head department public center sree chitra tirunal institute medical sciences technology padmashri g shankar we...

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