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picture1_Commerce Pdf 55674 | Masters In Financial Markets Brochure 2020

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File: Commerce Pdf 55674 | Masters In Financial Markets Brochure 2020
department of economics and economic history master of commerce financial markets 2020 rationale for the degree the financial system is one of the most important inventions of modern society its ...

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...Department of economics and economic history master commerce financial markets rationale for the degree system is one most important inventions modern society its primary task to move scarce loanable funds from those who save borrow buy goods services make investments in new equipment facilities enable global economy grow increase welfare all sector not only south africa but worldwide has undergone far reaching changes during past two decades there a powerful trend towards increasingly intense competition as improvements communication technology have brought widely separated institutions into direct with another national systems are merging vast marketplace where borders mean less deregulation by governments further stimulated spreading results these sweeping that present both more sensitive alert risk forms s re introduction international late meant speed change locally accelerated many been about monetary authorities private against background liberalisation developments included cha...

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