File: Research Pdf 54890 | Yujm Research And Publication Ethics
research and publication ethics enactment may 22 2012 research ethics the yujm asks referees to let its editor know of any conflicts of interest before reviewing a particular manuscript all ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Research and publication ethics enactment may the yujm asks referees to let its editor know of any conflicts interest before reviewing a particular manuscript all manuscripts should be prepared based on strict observa tion guidelines recommended authorship by council science editors http www councilscienceedi tors org international committee medical journal each author is expected have made substantial contribution icmje world association conception or design work acquisition analysis wame korean associ interpretation data creation new software used in ation kamje https drafted substantively revised it kr en main studies involving human subjects hu approved submitted version substan man must reviewed responsible institu tially modified that involves s tional review board irb please refer principles embodied study agreed both personally account declaration helsinki wma net poli able for own contributions ensure ques cies post ethical med tions related accuracy integrity part ical invest...