File: Research Methodology Pdf 54874 | Dstc 1618898071
biostatistics and research methodology bp801tt multiple choice questions semester viii biostatistics and research methodology bp801tt dr c j tank associate professor faculty of pharmacy dr subhash technical campus junagadh page ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Biostatistics and research methodology bptt multiple choice questions semester viii dr c j tank associate professor faculty of pharmacy subhash technical campus junagadh page a introduction to statistics according crexton cowden which arrangement component is true collection data analysis presentation interpretation b d ans not step descriptive collecting organizing hypothesis testing presenting e summarizing related frequency distribution tally mark variable class interval all above f option g if intervals are given then it called as discrete continuous grouped none types exclusive inclusive h graphical age salary variables or false figure indicates type graph line histogram polygon ogive curve indicated cumulative also known measure central tendency mean median mode average range positional arithmetic geometric harmonic mathematical simple the following equation derive in by short cut method...