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picture1_Money Pdf 54837 | Annual05 7 7

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File: Money Pdf 54837 | Annual05 7 7
treasury capital market a year of solid progress in treasury and capital market business the year 2005 marked the completion of a crucial part of a three year plan to ...

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...Treasury capital market a year of solid progress in and business the marked completion crucial part three plan to transform operations bank danamon we completed first phase by building depth experience our dealing team while successfully developing new products working closely with other groups within product innovation expanded into several structured this was boosted introduction state art processing system is front back encompassing straight through involves full automation from desk allowing real time update dealer positions integrated risk assessment information management for as whole covers all activities including foreign exchange money derivatives office transaction handling ledger posting also automated these facilities provide customers better service enhanced faster response order benefit opportunities at same improved capabilities contributed sustaining s reputation preferred local house financial asset base grew achieved improvements funding mix using longer term launched...

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