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File: Sharetradingtermsandconditions
trading terms and conditions effective date 18th march 2022 commonwealth securities limited commsec abn 60 067 254 399 australian financial services licence number 238814 registered office ground floor tower 1 ...

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   Terms and 
   Effective Date: 18th March 2022
     Commonwealth Securities Limited (CommSec) ABN 60 067 254 399  
     Australian Financial Services Licence Number: 238814
     Registered Office: Ground Floor, Tower 1, 201 Sussex Street Sydney NSW 2000.
                                                                     CommSec Trading Terms and Conditions  | 1
                                                             PART 1.  
        Terms and                                            CUSTOMER INFORMATION AND PRIVACY
        Conditions                                           What information we collect
                                                             1.  In this clause ‘you’ includes our customer 
                                                                and any person who holds office in an entity 
                                                                which is a customer. We collect information 
        Commonwealth Securities Limited ABN 60 067              about you (such as your name, address and 
        254 399 AFSL 238814 (CommSec) is a wholly               contact details), and information about your 
        owned but non-guaranteed subsidiary of the              interactions with us, such as activity on your 
        Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123               account. We may also collect publicly available 
        123 124 AFSL 234945.  CommSec is a Market               information about you.
        Participant of ASX Limited and Cboe Australia 
        Pty Limited (formerly Chi-X Australia Pty            Why we collect your information and  
        Limited), a Clearing Participant of ASX Clear        what we use it for
        Pty Limited and a Settlement Participant of          2.  We collect your information because we are 
        ASX Settlement Pty Limited.                             required to identify you in accordance with the 
        Registered Office: Ground Floor Tower 1, 201            Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism 
        Sussex Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia               Financing Act 2006 and in order to comply 
                                                                with taxation laws, such as the Taxation 
        CommSec is a wholly owned but non-guaranteed            Administration Act 1953 and the Income Tax 
        subsidiary of Commonwealth Bank of Australia            Assessment Act 1936. We also collect it to 
        ABN 48 123 123 124 (Commonwealth Bank).                 administer our customer relationships and 
        These terms and conditions (Terms and                   internal processes including risk management 
        Conditions) comprise of the following Parts:            and pricing, under our arrangements with 
                                                                government agencies, and to identify and tell 
        Part 1 – Customer Information and Privacy               you about products and services that may 
        Part 2 – General Terms and Conditions                   interest you (unless you tell us not to).  
                                                                If you don’t want to receive marketing 
        Part 3 – General Conditions of Trade                    information you can opt out on our website at 
        Part 4 – Trading Rules                                  commsec.com.au.
        Part 5 – Conditional Order Instruction               3.  If you give us your electronic and telephone 
        Part 6 – Direct Debit/Credit Request Service            details, you agree we may use this to 
                    Agreement; and                              communicate with you electronically, by phone or 
        Part 7 – Terms and Conditions of CHESS                  SMS including providing updates, reminders and 
                    Sponsorship                                 (unless you tell us not to) marketing information.
        In these Terms and Conditions, references to         4.  You must give us accurate and complete 
        “you” means each account holder and owner of a          information; otherwise you may be breaking 
        holding, jointly and severally.                         the law and we may not be able to provide 
        In Part 1 of these Terms and Conditions,                you with the products and services that you 
        references to “us”, “we” or “our” are references to     require. If you change your personal details 
        both CommSec and Commonwealth Bank.                     (e.g. address, name or email address) you must 
                                                                tell us straight away.
        In Parts 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of these Terms and 
        Conditions, references to “us”, “we” or “our” are 
        references to CommSec.
        Please keep these Terms and Conditions for 
        future reference.
        2  | CommSec Trading Terms and Conditions
        Who we may exchange your information with           Additional Obligations
        5.  We may exchange your information with other     10.  We may be subject to laws or regulations in 
           members of the Group who may use your                Australia or another country that affect your 
           information for any of the purposes we can.          relationship with us (e.g. laws that address 
        6.  We may also exchange your information with          taxation). So that we may comply with our 
           others outside the Group, for example:               obligations under these laws or regulations,  
                                                                we may:
           •   your representatives, advisers, brokers and      •  require you to provide information about 
               agents, and their service providers;                you or your product; 
           •   our service providers and those who refer        •  disclose any information we are required 
               business to us;                                     to concerning you (including sending your 
           •   market operators, operators of clearing             information overseas); 
               and settlements facilities, share and other      •  withhold an amount from a payment to 
               registries, regulatory and government               you if required to do so, and if we do, we 
               authorities; and                                    will not reimburse you for the amount 
           •   platform providers, issuers of financial            withheld; and/or 
               products, other financial institutions, and      •  take such other action as is reasonably 
               other bodies (for example, if you do not            required, including, for example, closing 
               perform your obligations under a share trade).      your account, or debiting your account for 
        7.  Sometimes it may be necessary to send your             any fees, charges or other costs we or you 
           information overseas - for example, where               incur in relation to domestic or foreign tax. 
           we outsource functions overseas, send                   We accept payment by direct debit from 
           information to Group members overseas,                  your nominated settlement account, or 
           where we need to complete a transaction on              from your margin lending facility.
           your behalf or where this is required by laws    How to contact us
           and regulations in Australia or in another 
           country. See our Group Privacy Policy for more   11.  For privacy-related enquiries, please contact 
           information.                                         us by calling 13 15 19 as we aim to resolve 
                                                                your query or complaint at your first point of 
        Our Group Privacy Policy                                contact with us, however if you have tried to 
        8.  Our Group Privacy Policy is available on our        resolve your complaint and are not satisfied 
           website at commsec.com.au (follow the Privacy        with the outcome, you may also contact our 
           Policy link) and should be read in conjunction       Customer Relations team directly by calling 
           with the above. It contains further details          1800 805 605, or writing to the address in 
           about our information collection and handling        our Group Privacy Policy.
           practices including information about:
           •   other ways and reasons we may collect, use 
               or exchange your information;
           •   how you may access and seek correction of 
               the information; and
           •   how to make a complaint about a breach 
               of your privacy rights, and our complaint 
               handling procedures.
        9.  We encourage you to check our website 
           regularly for any updates to the Policy.
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...Trading terms and conditions effective date th march commonwealth securities limited commsec abn australian financial services licence number registered office ground floor tower sussex street sydney nsw part customer information privacy what we collect in this clause you includes our any person who holds an entity which is a about such as your name address afsl wholly contact details owned but non guaranteed subsidiary of the interactions with us activity on bank australia account may also publicly available market participant asx cboe pty formerly chi x why clearing clear use it for settlement because are required to identify accordance anti money laundering counter terrorism financing act order comply taxation laws administration income tax assessment administer relationships these internal processes including risk management comprise following parts pricing under arrangements government agencies tell products that general interest unless not if don t want receive marketing trade ca...

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