File: Money Pdf 54742 | Gcprg Money And Banking Ecn330prg Sem (en)
money and banking ection i course overview s course code ecn330prg subject area s economics prerequisites see below language of instruction english total contact hours 45 recommended credits 3 course ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Money and banking ection i course overview s code ecnprg subject area economics prerequisites see below language of instruction english total contact hours recommended credits description the focuses on connections between federal reserve financial markets with institutions as their main actors banks mutual funds hedge insurance companies shadow system in modern market economy upon completion this you will have a thorough understanding role broader unique gain macroeconomic perspective capital by learning how interest rates exchange are determined manipulated to interpret predict implications monetary policy conducted also comprehend inefficiencies such asymmetry information notions behavioral finance analyze performance government context economic problems topics include unconventional tools during crises future new developments cryptocurrencies throughout opportunity widen your horizons chosen topic project based real life country company offshore regulations tax heavens countries or...