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picture1_Theoretical Orientation Pdf 54640 | 180033 Id Gambaran Pelaksanaan Standar Pelayanan F

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Theoretical Orientation Pdf 54640 | 180033 Id Gambaran Pelaksanaan Standar Pelayanan F

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Diposting 21 Aug 2022 | 3 thn lalu
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...Issn majalah ilmu kefarmasian vol i no agustus gambaran pelaksanaan standar pelayanan farmasi di apotek dki jakarta tahun angki purwanti harianto sudibjo supardi departemen fmipa ui litbang depkes ri abstract the service orientation of clinical pharmacy and community have been changed from focusing only managing medicine as commodity to comprehensive based on pharmaceutical care refer that basic isfi with cooperation min istry health establish standard in stan dard is aimed ensure quality shall be implemented all pharma cies purpose study an implementation overview results may used for establishing phase this a descriptive data were compiled by using question naire respondents consist s pharmacist non prescription drug section kie ser vice ii iii management medi cine iv average score not good worse overall key words pendahuluan yang tidak profesional melindungi profesi dari tuntutan masyarakat wajar sebagai pedoman disusun atas kerjasama dalam pengawasan praktek apoteker dengan direkto...

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