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Kata-kata yang terdapat di dalam file ini mungkin membantu anda melihat apakah file ini sesuai dengan yang dicari :
...Vol no pp e issn x p jurnal pendidikan matematika http fkip unila ac id index php mtk pengaruh pendekatan resource based leaarning rbl terhadap pemahaman konsep matematis siswa fransisco j simbolon sri hastuti noer pentatito gunowibowo program studi universitas lampung jl prof dr soemantri brodjonegoro bandarlampung mail gmail com telp received dec accepted jun published abstract this research aimed to examine the influence of learning towards student s conceptual mathematical understanding population was all eighth grade students smp negeri natar selatan in odd semester academic year as many that were distributed into eleven classes samples class viii a consist and b which chosen by purposive sampling technique used pretest posstest control group design data obtained through test analysis mann whitney u show with higher than conventional on result working conclusion is affects enhancement keyword abstrak penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji populasi adalah seluruh kelas ganjil tahu...