bis working papers no 763 on money debt trust and central banking by claudio borio monetary and economic department january 2019 jel classification e00 e30 e40 e50 g21 n20 keywords ...
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...Bis working papers no on money debt trust and central banking by claudio borio monetary economic department january jel classification e g n keywords system payments stability financial bank are written members of the for international settlements from time to other economists published subjects topical interest technical in character views expressed them those their authors not necessarily this publication is available website www org all rights reserved brief excerpts may be reproduced or translated provided source stated issn print online abstract essay examines detail properties a well functioning defined as plus mechanisms execute both short long run drawing theory lessons history it stresses importance institutions needed secure ensuring price critical nurturing maintaining that process addresses several related questions such relationship between viability cryptocurrencies neutrality nexus while present with banks prudential apparatus at its core can must improved still provides...