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File: Research Methodology Pdf 53323 | 125955609
advances in economics business and management research volume 173 proceedings of the 7th regional accounting conference kra 2020 research paradigm on grounded theory method for accounting research filtering all sensory ...

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...Advances in economics business and management research volume proceedings of the th regional accounting conference kra paradigm on grounded theory method for filtering all sensory input satia nur maharani state university malang corresponding author email fe um ac id abstract basic beliefs defining can be viewed from three fundamental dimensions ontology epistemology methodology pay an attention to influence a person s perspective reality is claim assumption about essence what seems real as community constructs how interacts this article literature review related paradigms field studies results study reflect that approach not limited quantitative measures but also approached through cannot separated philosophy science course undergoing evolution development into often main exponents experience conflicts or differing points view certain aspect happened early originators barney glaser anselm strauss so term straussian glaserian emerged difference between two lies data analysis process pa...

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