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picture1_Study Pdf 53260 | Paper6

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File: Study Pdf 53260 | Paper6
syndicate structure primary allocations and secondary market outcomes in corporate bond offerings hendrik bessembinder w p carey school of business arizona state university hb asu edu stacey jacobsen cox school ...

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...Syndicate structure primary allocations and secondary market outcomes in corporate bond offerings hendrik bessembinder w p carey school of business arizona state university hb asu edu stacey jacobsen cox southern methodist staceyj mail smu william maxwell wmaxwell kumar venkataraman initial draft may current october we thank jonathan sokobin for his helpful comments also andrew karp sonali thiessen rachel wilson larry wolfson helping us understand institutional aspects the issuance process as well finance industry regulatory authority finra provision data particular alie diagne elliot levine ola persson their support study screened paper to ensure that confidential dealer identities were not revealed none authors received financial specific this project have no conflicts interest report is a visiting economist at office chief acknowledges other projects overallocation liquidity abstract including underwriting placement transactions vary with issue complexity risk across investment grad...

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