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picture1_Commerce Pdf 52982 | Research Methodology Regular

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File: Commerce Pdf 52982 | Research Methodology Regular
gokhale education society shri bhausaheb vartak arts commerce and science college program ty bbi sem v course research methodolgy sr no question a b c d answer basic 1 of ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Gokhale education society shri bhausaheb vartak arts commerce and science college program ty bbi sem v course research methodolgy sr no question a b c d answer basic of is to identify the problem goal objective aim establishes cause effect descriptive explanatory causal historical relationship applied result oriented solution customer for knowledge qualitative economical costly profitable loss making design whole plan blueprint method structure activity sampling involves both choice sample quantitative size in units are probability snowball non quota selected at random two variables called continuous dependent independent static hypothesis among null complex empirical analytical observation gathers data secondary primary requisite tertiary offers limited alternative multiple dichotomous open ended affordable cheap subjects do not know they unstructured structured disguised undisguised being observed social media collection offline personal online communication should be used after care...

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