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picture1_Research Pdf 52955 | 1 Teaching Research Methodology Dat 2021 Syllabus For P Entrance Examination

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File: Research Pdf 52955 | 1 Teaching Research Methodology Dat 2021 Syllabus For P Entrance Examination
name of subject general paper on teaching and research aptitude no of question 50 objective type duration 1 hr maximum marks 50 common for all specialization teaching aptitude teaching concept ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Name of subject general paper on teaching and research aptitude no question objective type duration hr maximum marks common for all specialization concept objectives levels memory understanding reflective characteristics basic requirements learner s adolescent adult learners academic social emotional cognitive individual differences factors affecting related to teacher support material instructional facilities learning environment institution methods in institutions higher centred vs off line swayam swayamprabha moocs etc system traditional modern ict based evaluation systems elements types choice credit education computer testing innovations meaning positivism post positivistic approach experimental descriptive historical qualitative quantitative steps thesis article writing format styles referencing application ethics comprehension a passage text be given questions asked from the answered communication effective verbal non inter cultural group communications classroom barriers mass m...

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