chapter iii research methodology in this chapter the writer discusses about the method that the writer used in this research it involves design of the research technique of collecting data ...
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...Chapter iii research methodology in this the writer discusses about method that used it involves design of technique collecting data and analyzing according to sugiyono metode penelitian merupakan cara ilmiah untuk mendapatkan dengan tujuan dan kegunaan tertentu is basically a scientific way get specific purpose usefulness provide several steps process find out answers questions they are places time respondent qualitative descriptive aims identify analyze title paper study was make easy getting conclusions success moleong kualitatif adalah yang bermaksud memahami fenomena tentang apa dialami oleh subjek misalnya perilaku persepsi motivasi tindakan dll secara holistic deskripsi dalam bentuk kata bahasa pada suatu konteks khusus alamiah memanfaatkan berbagai intends understand phenomenon what experienced by subject such as behavior perception motivation action etc holistically description form words language on special natural context utilizing various methods furthermore saryono digunak...