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...Enhanching vocabulary mastery by using glossaries and language feedback in translational writing at the twelfth grade of man palopo a thesis proposal submitted to english study program tarbiyah teacher training faculty state islamic institute for s pd degree education anni asriani reg number pronouncement i have been signature below name department with all awareness consciousness researcher who signs pronounces that this is literary work himself if somebody proven duplicated copied or made other people as whole partially so could used invalid law september writer nim acknowledgement thenameofallahswt binevent most merciful lord world has created judgment day hereafter our prophet muhammadsaw peace be upon him alhamdulillahtheresearcherexpresseshisgratitude almighty god allah given his guidance chancesand good health finish on title enhancing twefth realizes existence was receiving muchadvice encouragements comments from many eventhoughtthis still far being perfect therefore would like...