chapter iii research methods a type and approach research the type of research is descriptive research which is conducted by researcher descriptive research is research that aims to find out ...
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...Chapter iii research methods a type and approach the of is descriptive which conducted by researcher that aims to find out how an event occurred findings in are broad detailed because this does not only examine problem being studied but also other variables related described on factors it get better results concerns reality process implementing panca jiwa values ma malida troso jepara thus tries understand objects field seek information from informants object moreover seeks subject seeking takes caution so do feel disturbed qualitative collecting data naturally interpreting phenomena occur as key instrument study will directly social situations exist such madrasah subjects practice building ukhuwah islamiah then he present form namely describing or settings be written narrative using obtained numbers words these can verbal through obtain complete deep reliable build character students revealed clearly deeply w gulo metodologi penelitian jakarta gramedia widiasarana indonesia albi anggi...