File: Data Collection Methods Pdf 52659 | 0854f2ec 38f2 4148 904e 6379ad1831af
social psychology paper v b a iii hons types of observation method 1 participant observation participant observation is one of the most common methods for qualitative data collection it is ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Social psychology paper v b a iii hons types of observation method participant is one the most common methods for qualitative data collection it also demanding techniques requires that researcher become in culture or context being observed incorporates how to enter role as and storage field notes analysis often months years intensive work because needs accepted natural part order assure observations are phenomenon merits demerits can control some variables by environment still observe participants their habitat even if they know he she study avoid incorrect self reported through this be challenging take openly without blowing his her cover market t will have rely on memory note taking faulty becomes too involved could less objective threaten validity naturalistic non another type research used researchers when behaviours surroundings there typically no predetermined behavioural codes instead rigorous code later ensures setting generate new ideas questions opens s minds possibilities mi...