munich personal repec archive the quantity theory of money and its long run implications empirical evidence from nigeria alimi r santos economics department adekunle ajasin university akungba akoko ondo state ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Munich personal repec archive the quantity theory of money and its long run implications empirical evidence from nigeria alimi r santos economics department adekunle ajasin university akungba akoko ondo state june online at https mpra ub uni muenchen de mprapaper no posted sep utc european scientific journal edition vol issn print e abstract qtm is one popular classical macroeconomic models that explain relationship between in an economy level prices goods services this study investigates for over period to check stationarity properties we employed augmented dickey fuller adf phillips perron pp test found all concerned variables are stationary only first differenced form using johansen cointegration method findings indicate there exists cointegrating among then applying granger causality a unidirectional causal running supply inflation which provides support monetarists view addition does not provide supporting well known fisher effect strictly interest rates as suggested by hypothesis...