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picture1_Research Methodology Pdf 52448 | 202004161028054465pravish Its Research Methodology 2

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File: Research Methodology Pdf 52448 | 202004161028054465pravish Its Research Methodology 2
research methodology unit 4 topics research types of researches quantitative research and its type qualitative research and its types report writing format and style of the report writing dr amar ...

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...Research methodology unit topics types of researches quantitative and its type qualitative report writing format style the dr amar kumar tiwari assistant professor institute tourism studies university lucknow definition a careful consideration study regarding particular concern or problem using scientific methods according to american sociologist earl robert babbie is systematic inquiry describe explain predict control observed phenomenon involves inductive deductive s structured way collecting data analyzing it draw conclusions unlike this method uses computational statistical process collect analyze all about numbers larger population more people means with you can obtain accurate results close ended questions because researchers are typically looking gather there four main designs descriptive correlational quasi experimental defined as that describes characteristics being studied focuses on what subject rather than why tests for relationships between two variables performing done es...

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