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picture1_Commerce Pdf 52379 | Jrc98272

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File: Commerce Pdf 52379 | Jrc98272
institute for prospective technological studies digital economy working paper 2015 09 the macro economic impact of e commerce in the eu digital single market melisande cardona nestor duch brown joseph ...

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...Institute for prospective technological studies digital economy working paper the macro economic impact of e commerce in eu single market melisande cardona nestor duch brown joseph francois bertin martens fan yang this publication is a by joint research centre european commission it results from programme at jrc which carries out on information society and agenda policy issues with focus growth jobs innovation co financed directorate general communications networks content technology aims to provide evidence based scientific support making process output expressed does not imply position neither nor any person acting behalf responsible use might be made science hub https ec europa issn online union reproduction authorised provided source acknowledged all images how cite table contents abstract introduction trade goods model retail perceived barriers cross border purchases consumers sales firms removing remaining conclusions references list tables...

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