File: Research Pdf 52280 | Concept Of Sociological Research & Methods
scientific method for sociology an area of inquiry is a scientific discipline if its investigators use the scientific method which is a systematic approach to researching questions and problems through ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Scientific method for sociology an area of inquiry is a discipline if its investigators use the which systematic approach to researching questions and problems through objective accurate observation collection analysis data direct experimentation replication repeating these procedures scientists affirm importance gathering information carefully remaining unbiased when evaluating observing phenomena conducting experiments accurately recording results they are also skeptical about their so repeat work have findings confirmed by other sociological research yes definition means acquiring various aspects society social behavior sociologists like stress conduct exhibit skepticism basic concepts investigator begins study after evolving ideas from specific theory integrated set statements explaining because too general test devises hypothesis or testable prediction tests this instead either disprove do not disproved cannot make predictions based www thecsspoint com facebook thecsspointofficial...