law research methodology methods of data collection role name affiliation principal investigator prof dr ranbir singh vice chancellor national law university delhi co principal investigator prof dr g s bajpai ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Law research methodology methods of data collection role name affiliation principal investigator prof dr ranbir singh vice chancellor national university delhi co g s bajpai registrar paper coordinator content writer author himanshu pandey assam reviewer description module items subject title id xi introduction is a logical and systematic search for new useful information on particular topic what to be collected where will found how analysed are certain important questions implicit in every study the method procuring an independent segment design procedures used extensively scrutinized existing sources cause confusion selection if researchers do not posses basic knowledge dealing with at various stages each which may raise validity inaccurate can impact results ultimately lead invalid there facts relating available world researcher required make proper objective authoritative decision that relevant his or it necessary all elements process neutral interferes measurements variables after...