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picture1_Commerce Pdf 52002 | Emi217141

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File: Commerce Pdf 52002 | Emi217141
chapter 1 introduction 1 1 research background stock market is an important part of the economy of a country the stock market plays a pivotal role in the growth of ...

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...Chapter introduction research background stock market is an important part of the economy a country plays pivotal role in growth industry and commerce that eventually affects to great extent reason government even central banks keep close watch on happenings from both s point view as well investor whenever company wants raise funds for further expansion or settling up new business venture they have either take loan financial organization issue shares through fact primary source any expansions if some capital it can basically ownership investors invest stocks needs get listed exchange requirements there are certain rules regulations getting at need fulfill criteria go public primarily place where these companies fund case already more collecting which going first time start with initial offering ipo cases exchanges varied highly development measure control markets places exactly you do your trading transactions executed broker unless membership enable trade directly topic this examine h...

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