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picture1_Research Methodology Pdf 51132 | S C5051 056168 Chapter3

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File: Research Methodology Pdf 51132 | S C5051 056168 Chapter3
chapter iii research methodology no context is value free academic disciplines promote particular ways of observing dissecting measuring interpreting and otherwise making sense of the phenomena under investigation one s ...

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...Chapter iii research methodology no context is value free academic disciplines promote particular ways of observing dissecting measuring interpreting and otherwise making sense the phenomena under investigation one s decisions may emerge within or resistant to these disciplinary structures also derive from goals which are seldom acknowledged in reports but meaningfully affect design process outcome a study markham this includes procedures deeply used by writer consists method object questions data collection analysis technique next will present finding disscussion http www languages ait ac th elmeth htm how results were achieved explanation was collected generated analyzed methodological problems their solutions effects conduct using qualitative seeks out why not its topic through unstructured information it doesn t just rely on statistics numbers domain quantitative researchers statement above conclude that about exploring issues understanding answering any kind produces findings arri...

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