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picture1_Commerce Pdf 51083 | 12348598

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File: Commerce Pdf 51083 | 12348598
view metadata citation and similar papers at core ac uk brought to you by core provided by sebelas maret institutional repository pembuatan website e commerce butik diar lutfi surakarta tugas ...

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...View metadata citation and similar papers at core ac uk brought to you by provided sebelas maret institutional repository pembuatan website e commerce butik diar lutfi surakarta tugas akhir diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat mencapai gelar ahli madya program diploma iii ilmu komputer oleh lia setiawan nim m teknik informatika fakultas matematika dan pengetahuan alam universitas halaman persetujuan disusun ini telah disetujui dipertahankan di hadapan dewan penguji pada tanggal juli pembimbing utama winarno s si nip pengesahan bimbing diterima disahkan hari jumat muh a syafi ie drs mania roswhita dekan ketua studi mipa uns diii prof sutarno sc ph d ys palgunadi abstract build an of boutique degree computer science informatic engineering mathematics faculty university limited commodities market the poorly efficiency promotion system for society causes unreach maximal turnover rapidly internet technology development could support application selling product purpose this final projec...

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