File: Money Pdf 51076 | 23911 Item Download 2022-08-20 03-57-02
the history of money lesson 3 teaching notes the last of three one hour lessons for year 7 students the topic of this lesson is the origins of money lessons ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...The history of money lesson teaching notes last three one hour lessons for year students topic this is origins and can be found by going to www teachitcitizenship co uk searching learning objective examine resources i have need cards from around small objects use as currency e g counters beans text pp per student or a section it pair questions p timeline set team sticky tack starter barter give each card so they know which goods time won t using show class handful your chosen say you some wonderful new things exchange shells stones etc buy loaf bread bucket at stage don tell them that anything like make clear re really happy now what ask traded with if are someone might useless not reveal developed concept will revolutionise village system mean in quick step check decide whether s fine complain raises point needs everyone confidence agree otherwise could become valueless explain get selling their speed up an equal number payment hard work during week person come front who has got thing...