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picture1_Environmental Management Act Pdf 50881 | Environmental Management Act 7 Of 2007

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File: Environmental Management Act Pdf 50881 | Environmental Management Act 7 Of 2007
environmental management act 7 of 2007 gg 3966 brought into force on 6 february 2012 by gn 28 2012 gg 4878 act to promote the sustainable management of the environment ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Environmental management act of gg brought into force on february by gn to promote the sustainable environment and use natural resources establishing principles for decision making matters affecting establish development advisory council provide appointment commissioner officers a process assessment control activities which may have significant effects incidental signed president december be it enacted parliament republic namibia as follows arrangement sections part i definitions object ii iii general functions powers minister annotated statutes in respect waste iv establishment composition term office members vacation filling vacancies meetings administration allowances committees disclosure interest annual report v entry inspection compliance orders objections order offences relation vi plans objects approval with vii listing prohibition listed exemption provisions relating procedure identifying competent authorities effect authorisations under other laws viii application clearance c...

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