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picture1_Environmental Ecology Pdf 50877 | Ii Sem Environmental Studies

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File: Environmental Ecology Pdf 50877 | Ii Sem Environmental Studies
1 karnatak university dharwad karnatak university dharwad 04 year u g programs b sc programme syllabus subject environmental studies draft syllabus for ii semester chemistry common for all degrees discipline ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Karnatak university dharwad year u g programs b sc programme syllabus subject environmental studies draft for ii semester chemistry common all degrees discipline specific course dsc and elective dse under ability enhancement compulsory sem national education policy nep effective from as per n e p aecc ug programmes type of theory instruction total duration formative summat credits practical hour hours exam assessme ive marks week nt assess ment hrs hr outcome co after completion students will be able to define ecology with basic principles examine the natural resources their types utility outline diversity explain conservation its significations identify issues pollutions impact unit i multidisciplinary nature scope importance concept sustainability sustainable development ecosystem structure functions energy flow in an food chains webs ecological succession case on forest grassland desert aquatic ecosystems ponds streams lakes rivers oceans estuaries land use change degradation soil e...

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